Thursday, February 3, 2011

Reading Reading Reading

I have to admit I'm getting pretty burnt out with all of this reading. I'm taking four Art History course. Totally the amount I have to catch up on from not having book and what is due by next week I have to average 50 pages of reading over the next 4 days. Uh! I have 2 chapters out of the Native American art book art with 2 articles per week from Jstor. Culture and design is 20 pages per week with 3 articles (Between 6-14 pages long) from JSTor to be posted on every Sunday. Contemporary Chinese is 6-10 pages per week with a required video screening on Sunday evening.
My Art in the Age of digital recursion is a 50 page chapter a week seminar course which requires I actually understand what I'm reading and can communicate it to my peers in an intelligent way. Uh! Then Im taking Print Making... 10 prints per week with critiques every Friday...uh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It takes 20-40 min per mono print. Now that Ive vented. Im grateful for the opportunity to grow in such a tremendous way and I used to hate reading and now I do so much of it that I actually like it now.

So in to the Post:
Oh my "twisted and crooked" generation. Everyday depravity, everyday a challneg for innocence and purity. He's right. Doing in for my glory is never going to honor God. It may impress people for a season but WHY? When its for me I actually loose reason.... Im not a good enough reason to seek purity but God is. Ok Lord! Help me to honor you in my actions my inactions my eating my drinking my walking my art. By his Grace Alone for His Glory Alone.

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