Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I want to be a real person and I pray that I am. Sometimes at the risk of being real Ive noticed I compromise and compromise is not real. I'm robbing people of the transforming truth of God. I'm glad its his word that calls then and not my unfaithful life. This is ironic. That the story that I once rededicate my life because is the heaviest conviction Ive felt in years. Many people believed because of her testimony. I gave my testimony at a trouble girls camp when I was with house of power about when I realized the weight of my sin. Oh they ate it up and for the first time I felt like I was part of something great. Every year at summer camp the following years never changed. I was still battling this thing. Mrs Sue asked me why I thought my testimony was the same every year. I honestly believe it was complacency. I had to be completely broken before I knew to not go back again. Same sin different story all the time. Last night my roomie drove me to Walmart and Wegmans (I love Wegmans). She confessed that she felt broken and the use of her sex life was ruining her life. She told me she went to church on Sunday. I smiled and asked what she thought. She says "I like it and want to go back...not because it was nice but because for once I feel okay with God".

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