Monday, January 31, 2011

Holy Cow!

Ahhhh... Very heavy today. I always saw this passage as Jesus being angry at the mis-use of the temple but when You say I my body is the temple, Jesus has got to be really angry when I miss use my body. Holy Cow! I am thankful that my soul is so important to Jesus. The three days thing was really profound. He triumphed over sin when he died and was resurrected in 3 days....he defeated it....he made us good with God again, which was the purpose of the temple building and he rebuilt our temple body by defeating sin and making us cool with God. I'm freaking out. This is so cool. I like.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

If He can Save Me...He Can Have Me....

This most came at a relevant time. I was speaking with my new chapel buddy about going to Holden College for Praise and worship. He was discussing how nice it is to visit other ministries and revel in God instead of always catering to your ministry. I told him I thought that was appropriate because sometimes you need to be refreshed before you get too burnt out.

On a sad note: I found out thismorning that one of my good friends had passed away. I'm so sad. This is not the best vehicle for me to deliver the gospel. I'm mad at myself for not sharing the gospel with CJ. Im mad that I havent told my friend Mimi or my friend Heron. What about Connor? Im motivated by fear that I will lose them and be without these people I love for eternity. I'm sad. I'm not hungry. I need a God Day... not a Typo.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Best is Yet to Come.

Last semester when I seemed to have given up the work I produced was raw, broken and bleeding. This semester I'm in mostly Art History course and my studio work is clean crisp and minimalist. I don't know exactly if this is good or not but I feel my better moods affects my work. Still not sure if this is better. Lord give me a understanding of my purpose here with art and please allow my work to bleed the evidence of my knowledge of sin and my convictions. Help me Lord to be profound. Let your Truth radiate my being... Be captivating.

I am encouraged by the best is saved for last. I'm ready for God to begin throwing his wight around in my life. Ive been ill for the last few days which I'm thankful for believe it or not. My illness has given me a valid excuse to bum around my suite and do homework for my 4 Art History classes. The schedule Ive oblugated myself to will no longer allow me free time on the weekends...which I like but Im also afraid that without any down time...ill compromise a night I really need to stay focusd. God give me strength to persevere and the wisdom to determine when Its time to relax and the wisdom to know what this relaxing looks like.

Friday, January 28, 2011


I like how Nathanael is a smarty pants when He asks "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" Ha ha ha....and Phillip just as witty responds come and see. I think this will be my new approach to questions. Jesus knew Nathaniel's discerning nature and proved himself, with a promise that he basically hasn't seen greatness yet. I like this Jesus Pose thing. The followers of Christ its kinda like a seminar class. Voluntary, intimate, and beneficial to those learning and bouncing ideas off of each other. I miss bible study with Tammi. I'm excited again for Sunday to come. I need some bible based communion with other believers...Bad.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Woah! Passions of the flesh DO wage war against our souls(1 Peter 2:11). Its been so rewarding being honest with people about my faith and where I stand with sin. Slowly but surely I'm making the right decisions and being productive instead of....the other , but at the same rate I'm meeting more and more people of like faith. I love this. Thank you God. Just today I was invited to have tea at some new acquaintances hows after class. On the way I remarked "Oh I have to do my you guys have internet?" They said "yes, whats your blog about?" :) Open door. So I began to explain...this lead to a serious of questions about my faith with was followed my "Us too!" HAHAHA I love it!!! God is really showing me his awesomeness this year and this blog/devotional has been such a blessing as a witnessing tool, training tool, and faith booster. No real temptation has started. I'm weary that it is to come but I am confident that God is ever for me and Christ sympathizes in my weakness, and nothing can keep me from God. Now I live it. Thank you God for a great day and please bless Elliot and Kirsty for their fearlessness in sharing their faith.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Encouraged! was a butt load of encouragement or I was particularly convinced of God plan for this....all of this....and all of that. Paul is so sure...that encourages me. God will finish what he started in me. This concept of "Build it and they will come" has been confirmed in my life. I have consciously made decisions to honor God in my speech and actions. Each time I chose wisely, I was blessed. Either and inner rightness or a new opportunity to witness or a new person to witness to me. Its exciting that I've been so encouraged but I'm sure there will be an instance when Im not greeted with kindness and opportunities. Will I be crushed....Yes, but blessed are we who are hated on the account of Christ (Luke 10:16)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Well the Internet is down...

Its nice to know that the internet here is so unreliable. Id been without the internet since Monday evening. BLAH! but God continues to still be good to me.

Now for the post.

I think it was completely humbling for John to baptise Jesus. He told him that it was what must be done. It was also humbling for Jesus to be baptized. Baptism was so sinners which Jesus was not. Now, I believe this action to be a reinforcement to us belivers that baptism is Gods design to unite us with Christ in obedience and an important act in our spiritual walk. Thank you God for providing a way for me to be recocciled to you throught Jesus Chrsit who lived the life I cannot. But through his death Thank You God I am now crucufied with Christ and I no longer live but Christ Lives in me and the life I live, I live now by faith in him who gave his life for me. Now I can live as to honor God and Know what his will is for not just my life but for this world I live in and function properly for the body, my brothers and sister in Christ.

Monday, January 24, 2011


It heavy the responsibility to be an ambassador of Christ but I am thankful that is God who opens their hearts. Just be available Stephanie. Be ready, think before you speak and dont compromise the word of Truth. I'm happy to see little nuggets of truth that have entered the ears and what I believe the hearts of my friends. I pray those seeds grow and I am excited to think of the possibilities of those truths. The transforming power of God. :) Im looking for the promise that If I am in good conscience, when I am slandered those who revile me will be put to shame. MAN! I was looking for that word for a month. My transparency is my protection when slandered. I'm reminded of my good friend who has lived a greater, more transparent lifestyle than myself and that beauty is continually defended in all situations. I want that in my life.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


God is Holy Holy Holy....Like a hammer driving a point. Holy, Holy, Holy. In service today, the gentleman who spoke delivered a message about the Holiness of God. It was so intense. The back story was when King David tried to bring the Arch into Jerusalem the in proper way and Uza died. This is along the lines of the past few days devotionals. Their show for God was in vain because it wasn't obedient to his original plan. They took the easy way out. Oh how Ive done this in my own life. Why would God take up my offering of praise when the day before used my vessel in an grievous way. Sometime I wish God would strike me down when I was disobedient like Uza or those 2 sons in Leviticus. Oh but when he returns, separating the wheat from the chaff. The refiners fire. He will make it right again. Please Lord help me to continue to burn off any unrighteousness and dishonor. I'm so ready! God encouraged me so greatly today. Seeing people I knew at chapel...hearing familiar things like Christ the only atonement for sin. ahhhhhh.... sunsets and new friends. Convictions and new opportunities to do things right. I know persecution will come as I begin to change from night to day from black to white from old to new. My friends that are used to seeing me compromise and medicate will resent my decision to pass on said activities. Lord give me strength and purpose with each decision.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Uuuuhhhh! Man. Just when I think I'm okay Ephesians. Ive got a lot of things to "put away" as Paul says it. No need to list but we can call it the "Old Me". I'm sure I could see where Im going if I didn't disrupt or block the path with all these things. Help me God honor you with my mouth and my actions. I have an opportunity tonight to honor you as I hang out with my friends, that If I actually loved them I would tell them the truth of God and sin. :( I get so scared its easier to just laugh along with the depraved conversations and avoid questions of my spirituality. Thank you God for my new friend Jeff who is taking me to Church tomorrow. He is such a christian. I love having them around again. I hope this to be the beginning of less compromise and better accountability. Help me not to grieve the Holy Spirit in me.

Friday, January 21, 2011


I am guilty of this as well. My blase-aux approach to my faith is similar to the Pharisees except I have no ritual that makes me feel upright about my sin. But I have caught myself saying "Jesus died I'm good". NOT GOOD....oh complacency and lack of initiative. Ive never thought that I didn't need Mercy and grace but Ive sure acted like it. Lord, search my heart, make me right. Help me to be quicker to catch these blase-aux moments in my faith. Help me not to compromise. I know Lord that my brokenness leads to Godly sorrow and that sorrow to repentance and that repentance to forgiveness. Thank you Lord for giving my such strong convictions, my only hope to staying in You.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Body, Mind, and Spirit.

I love the way that's written...the rough places shall become level and all flesh shall see

the salvation of God. I want to speak the Truth and be Ready. To be ready is to study and show myself approved, a workmanship that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Tim 2:15). Lord help me to honor you in my hear as Holy. Help me to be prepared to defend the hope that is in me. I'm feeling the pressure of being one of the few Christians on campus. Help my faith, my voice, my convictions, my joy, my witness, give voice to the others hear. Aliven our hearts God for your glory.

Finished first few days of classes. I like my schedule. I will have a lot of writing to do. Its a good thing I like it. The reading load is rather intense but I'm stoked. God is so good to me. He has been answering my prayers for peace, joy, and focus. Ive been taking care of myself: Exercising, eating right and taking vitamins. I feel amazing. Not only is my body being nourished my spirit feels satisfied as well from devotions and the encouragement from other Christians. Then my the part of my mind that needs fun and "niche" type things is rejoicing with all the crazy new insights into the art.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Witness.

God is so good to me. Today was definitely one of those days when I was encouraged by the light of Christ in my life. 100% I was absolutely encouraged by not only a brother in the faith but a friend who is not there yet but I can feel the pull of God on her life. Just today. I now have an "in" on the bible studies on campus. I hope this is right. I hope that God is showing me my people. I'm encouraged by John today. His ministry wasn't long but it was so imperative to the coming of Christ. I'm encouraged today that my life herald Christ's coming. I want it to. I pray it does.

I like that we can have "Fellowship with God, fellowship with each other, and triumph over sin" in heaven, "but the one thing we do here that we cannot do in heaven is to tell people about Jesus."

Now the pressure is on. I like it. Lord be with me in this place.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Growing up means remaining faithful to my convictions. I feel as if I'm starting new a new year, a new walk with the knowledge and experience of whats behind. A faithful walk is my goal this year. I have such peace with this new semester. If obedience and submission are the fruit of that type of walk then I pray that these fruits radiate my being. I do understand that I will share in the sufferings of Christ as I sacrifice thing in my life or get a back bone and stand up for the things I believe in. Lord I pray that every aspect of my life each conscious move of sin would be replaced with an unconscious move of faith and obedience to You. Please help me find the right job here. Make it obvious. Thank you.

Monday, January 17, 2011


I am encouraged that if i do what I'm suppose to I do, the next step will take care of itself or be obvious my next move. I'm sitting in the Terra Cotta Coffee House waiting for my interview with the manager. I am not encouraged to stay because he is over an hour late. :( Maybe I will be blessed for my persistence.
I totallly agree that I am transformed in the mundane. I love that. Since Ive been sitting here close to a dozen people have stopped and told me how wonderful I am and how much theve missed me. Wow. I feel blessed that they recognize the awesomeness of Christ in me. Stellar and encouraging evidence of Christ in my life.

Im feeling the favor of God...thank you Jesus!!!!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Course...Of Course

Joesph was obedient and prophecy was fulfilled. John 12 has never been so relevant to me. I was just speaking with my RA and a close friend about the being advised to not get involved romantically here while at school. They agreed about waiting and cultivating virtues to be ready when the time came. Then I read them John 12:24-26 about the fruit out of death...sacrifice and life. Thank you God for that opportunity. I'm not going to lie the devotional is getting harder and harder to find time to do it. I'm here at Alfred and getting settled in. Lord set my course! Help me to be obedient like Joesph. I hope a job at the Terra cotta is part of his course.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

New World

I definitely understand losing the dream to begin it….losing sometimes is accompanied with kicking and screaming…God I pray that you me accept the losses and trust your hand in my life….like relationships, fun, and all those things I want now.

I do know the season of down time is good for me but man is it tough, My biggest fear is the fact that I let Christ fade from my life and that not only affects me but everyone around me. Complacency is not my thing. I definitely have to tighten up. Robbing others og God grace and Mercy is BS I cant to that. Lord help me to always show you first NOT I but THEE.

I have to cut this one short today. I just made it to NY and trying to find a place to stay for the night. Thank you Lord for your provision thus far.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Luke 2:21-38

I like the "mundane" is part of the movement of God. I was speaking with my friend today about the importance of the mundane as it relates to your understanding of people. Ironically the story my pastor told me came to my mind. He told me that the important things in your marriage are the mundane, usually overlooked quirks of your spouse. For instance, how they make their bed or the way the squeeze the toothpaste tube (rolled or squeezed?) I believe whole heartedley obedience in the mundane are strengthening tool of God for either your marriage or your life. For instance, going to class everyday or the devotional. If I could just remember with every mundane thing that happens in my life that God is definitely moving and like Hebrews that he "will never leave" me.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Matthew 2:1-12

Today was a day of visits… Some came to see me…others met up with me and others I went to see. I believe community is so important ….I always have but I believe that now more than ever community means support and help in time of need.

Leaving behind what was and pressing on toward a newness of Christ is hard to do. I was reminded today of a lot of that was ....and it is for sure behind. Its is indeed a true revelation that one can't change the situations that were....I can only give the burden over to God and believe that he is just and will handle it better than I would.

I need to heed Paul and focus on other who are doing well in their walk and not trying to help or fix those who are not. My friend Connor counseled me after a trying night with the words of .similar to cant change people or control what they do.


Let us hold true to what we have attained while I wait for justice...the return of my savior.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Luke 2:8-20

Jessie Hamilton took me out to lunch today. I really enjoyed catching up with her. We are in very similar situations where everyone in our world is medicating and its hard not to jump in.
Thank you Lord for Jessie: A friend that no matter how much time has passed and no matter the distance always cherishes me and reminds me that Jesus looks good on me.

Is the revelation of Christ to your life the treasure you seek?

I really thought about this and based on my conviction with Jessie at lunch, the revelation of Christ to my life IS the treasure that I seek. Specifically when it comes to what my work says about Christ in my life is such a important thing to me.

Lord Help Me Be Obedient! ... to no one but you.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Luke 2:1-7 (Trouble)

Trouble! Trouble Trouble trouble!
I'm seriously counting on Christ. The world is far stronger than I am but the strength I'm counting on is Christ in me and Christ through me.

Its difficult to resist ---->

But im reminded of Baylon using the articles of the temple to toast to their own gods. These articles were created for the sole purpose of honoring God. I was created for the sole purpose of honoring God and using my body (vessel) in any other way than what is was created for is like the Babylonians defiling the articles of the temple.

I know far too well the ways of the world and what "Dancing with the Devil" looks like. There is no excuses anymore. I cannot play to fool and claim that I was deceived. At this point any deception would be from my own complacency with sin in my life.

It kinda sucks now... Now I'm without excuse.....

Even though I know the truth it doesn't make it any easier to make the right decisions. But Ive been feeding the wrong lion in my life. I feel confident that with each word I read of Gods I'm strengthening myself and one step closer to making the right decision a little quicker. And hopefully with out being scathed.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Matthew 1:18-25

...Blast! I was looking a S&W Revolvers and my computer got a virus....This is disheartening because I had already written a paragraph of my post. Gods divine way of telling me not to multitask during bible study.

Okay Back to Joseph...He most definately needed to hear from God in this situation. The women he was suppose to marry was pregnant. The Tall tale sign of infidelity. He may have thought she was taken advantage of and decided not to publicly humiliate her. But divine action was necessary for this situation to work out like it did. Can you imagine the stress.... ahhhh.

I don't understand a lot of things that are going on in life and why it has to be so hard. But I know God. I know hes righteous. Its hard to trust and be strong enough not to medicate the hurt away but I know God will honor me if I'm honoring to him and to this temple he gave me.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

"My Dreams...God's Plan" Luke 1:57-80

Wow...that story has never been that exciting before. Zechariah was mute and with his act of belief and obedience...the flood gates were opened. Dude let it rip! Blessing to God and prophesy. Nice! i\

I understand the doubt in God Zechariah had. If it doesnt look like I think it should...I doubt Gods hand in it. Forinstance, My financial situation, health problems, and screw ups in my school records. In the beginning of the year I saw these things as hindrances but these instances specifically have proved to be the work of God in my life. Although not ideal for a first semester these mishaps have provided me with many opportunities I wouldn't otherwise have.

Not all the issues are resolved and at this point Im seriously wondering whats going on with my life and if "im there". But as i grow i feel my maturity and situation's maturity are carefully crafted situations that have formed my compassion, grace, and peace I now cherish as beautiful character traits.

I'm excited to see how God will use me and these situations to bring glory to his name. Please Lord help me to be patient and pliable.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Luke 1:39-56

All I feel when I read this is how cool it is when Gods Promises are fulfilled. God Kept his word that a savior would be born. I do feel blessed by the people in my life's blessings. Gods mercy on my parents and their marriage is all I need to know that God loves my family. They are being obedient to Gods will in their lives and they are being blessed not in riches but in peace and love. od

I am joyful that Jesus is waiting to fulfill his detiny in my destiny. I pray that im am continually obedient to Christ in my life.

Friday, January 7, 2011

"Let It Be" Luke 1:26-38

God can do anything and can do anything through me... Even though I mess up sometimes? Even though I'm scared? Even though I don't respond the way a women of God should respond in crazy situations? Tammi told me once you cant limit God...God uses who he wants to use, its your choice to be used like Paul or Judas.

I do agree that Mary's response was quite beautiful and a response I'd like to adopt.
"Let It Be According to Your Word." So your word says in Romans that I was predestined to the image of Jesus. Your word says in Ephesians that you God of the universe gave me the spirit so Christ could be in me helping to ground me, and give me the strength to comprehend the knowledge and the power of God. So I have faith because the spirit in me allows me to comprehend.

Side note: The more bible I read and the more profound the Beatles are.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Luke 1:5-25

Oh how relevant this is.... Reproach! I know thee well. Recent situation at New Years caused me to cry out "Why do I have to keep reliving my past". I have faith that God will take away my reproach but while sanctification is in process the weight of who I used to be is heavy and appears to never die. Can I live it down? I could live without reproach circumspectly so I could be found without fault from others (luke 1:15) evidence that the old has passed away and behold all things are new (2 Corinthians 5:17). As far as Gods Concerned I'm blameless. I remain confident but humble because I know where I came from.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Certainty for Theo (Luke 1:1-4)

Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the things that have been accomplished among us, 2 just as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word have delivered them to us, 3 it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4 that you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught. -Luke 1:1-4

Luke wrote because others have written and in their writings he felt certain of the things he was taught about God. I feel the exact same way, I enjoy writing about things I've learned and epiphanies I've had. I hope ever word to be a witness of Gods grace and presence in my life. I like that Luke wrote an "orderly account" for Theo for his assurance and certainty. I feel honored and blessed to have the same advantage in my faith. Reading in one thing, but belief and obedience is a whole issue. I feel assurance, conviction and power from every passage I read. This convinced me that the Word is indeed.....ALIVE and ACTIVE (Heb 4:12).

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Matthew 1:1-17

A few years ago, I spent entirely too much time trying to gather information about my family tree. Its pretty hard to find records and requires a lot of patience to wait for grandparents to remember who married their great aunt. Honestly, the genealogies can be quite mundane. BUT...I recognize many of the names from when I did the Daniel Study. That's encouraging. ;)
On the encouraging note...future glory compared to present suffering. (Romans 8)
Can I just say that Romans 8 is super amazing!!! Being free from the bondage of corruption.....uh yes please. Predestined to be formed into the image of Christ... So encouraging.

Alot of the people listed in the genelogy have done some pretty sweet things. I hope to be that cool. Did they make it in the Bible for historical reasons like they were doing super cool things for Israel or because they were in the bloodline?

Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree? Not making light of Galations 3:13 but my favorite past time is hanging from trees. :/

Status is so important me not just a high status but my own anti-status status. I Hate stereotypes but love labels. I want to be great, but I know God need to be greater. Its hard to put ones self in a group with everyone else but as for being part of God's stock is the greatest honor....thats a status I'm proud of .

-Lord please help me continually to find my adequacy in You. Help me to further Your kingdom...You made me a pretty cool chick and I want to make You proud.


Monday, January 3, 2011

Luke 3:23-38

Okay wow! Big epiphany! I never quite understood why Israel was so important to God. They are important because ISRAEL is family. Jesus, the salvation to the world would come out the bloodline. That's serous stuff!
YAY for adoption (Eph. 1:5)!
As for Christ Return...What I should be doing... (1 Peter 4:7) says that "The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers. " At one time I read that the Spirit intercedes to God for us (Romans 8:26). If we are out of control we grieve the spirit in us therefore hindering our prayers (Eph 4:30).

Sunday, January 2, 2011

John 1:10-18

This Challenge to Read the Gospels with my church body for the next year, I know will be just that: a challenge. Sometimes I think that if I could just compartmentalize aspects of my life it would be easier to handle. As enticing as it sounds, there are some things too cathartic to gloss over. For instance the challenge to Read the gospels with my Church body assigned on the first Sunday of the year accompanied by the first communion of the year. Having been separate from the body for 6 months I’m overwhelmed with joy to commune physically (Church), spiritually (Challenge), and symbolically (Communion) with these people I consider to be my support group and my family. Chapter 11 of John 1 confirms Gods hand in my own birth. I’ve revived and I believe (vs.12). Through Jesus Christ I am given rights that I would not have otherwise to be a Child of God (v.12). As for the “Word” of God (vs. 14)… we know from service today that the Word was not a new thing. Jesus was not a last resort from God. It was written that The Word was in the beginning of time, with God and was God. John cries out that Jesus his predecessor in age out ranks him because he knows Jesus was “The Word” that was in the beginning with God (John 1:15). Returning to the notion of my predetermined birth, (vs. 18) God is the reveal-er of The Word, the Grace and Truth: Jesus Christ. That’s pretty exciting that God decides who and he decided me.