Sunday, January 9, 2011

"My Dreams...God's Plan" Luke 1:57-80

Wow...that story has never been that exciting before. Zechariah was mute and with his act of belief and obedience...the flood gates were opened. Dude let it rip! Blessing to God and prophesy. Nice! i\

I understand the doubt in God Zechariah had. If it doesnt look like I think it should...I doubt Gods hand in it. Forinstance, My financial situation, health problems, and screw ups in my school records. In the beginning of the year I saw these things as hindrances but these instances specifically have proved to be the work of God in my life. Although not ideal for a first semester these mishaps have provided me with many opportunities I wouldn't otherwise have.

Not all the issues are resolved and at this point Im seriously wondering whats going on with my life and if "im there". But as i grow i feel my maturity and situation's maturity are carefully crafted situations that have formed my compassion, grace, and peace I now cherish as beautiful character traits.

I'm excited to see how God will use me and these situations to bring glory to his name. Please Lord help me to be patient and pliable.


Even So... said...

The question isn't "Am I there?", but "Am I on the way?" Phillipians 3:12-17)...the answer for you is YES!

SQUIRL said...

Awww...thanks JD....Just got it.