Trouble! Trouble Trouble trouble!
I'm seriously counting on Christ. The world is far stronger than I am but the strength I'm counting on is Christ in me and Christ through me.
Its difficult to resist ---->
But im reminded of Baylon using the articles of the temple to toast to their own gods. These articles were created for the sole purpose of honoring God. I was created for the sole purpose of honoring God and using my body (vessel) in any other way than what is was created for is like the Babylonians defiling the articles of the temple.
I know far too well the ways of the world and what "Dancing with the Devil" looks like. There is no excuses anymore. I cannot play to fool and claim that I was deceived. At this point any deception would be from my own complacency with sin in my life.
It kinda sucks now... Now I'm without excuse.....
Even though I know the truth it doesn't make it any easier to make the right decisions. But Ive been feeding the wrong lion in my life. I feel confident that with each word I read of Gods I'm strengthening myself and one step closer to making the right decision a little quicker. And hopefully with out being scathed.
Ha ha ha...Indeed!
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