Sunday, January 30, 2011

If He can Save Me...He Can Have Me....

This most came at a relevant time. I was speaking with my new chapel buddy about going to Holden College for Praise and worship. He was discussing how nice it is to visit other ministries and revel in God instead of always catering to your ministry. I told him I thought that was appropriate because sometimes you need to be refreshed before you get too burnt out.

On a sad note: I found out thismorning that one of my good friends had passed away. I'm so sad. This is not the best vehicle for me to deliver the gospel. I'm mad at myself for not sharing the gospel with CJ. Im mad that I havent told my friend Mimi or my friend Heron. What about Connor? Im motivated by fear that I will lose them and be without these people I love for eternity. I'm sad. I'm not hungry. I need a God Day... not a Typo.

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