Sunday, January 23, 2011


God is Holy Holy Holy....Like a hammer driving a point. Holy, Holy, Holy. In service today, the gentleman who spoke delivered a message about the Holiness of God. It was so intense. The back story was when King David tried to bring the Arch into Jerusalem the in proper way and Uza died. This is along the lines of the past few days devotionals. Their show for God was in vain because it wasn't obedient to his original plan. They took the easy way out. Oh how Ive done this in my own life. Why would God take up my offering of praise when the day before used my vessel in an grievous way. Sometime I wish God would strike me down when I was disobedient like Uza or those 2 sons in Leviticus. Oh but when he returns, separating the wheat from the chaff. The refiners fire. He will make it right again. Please Lord help me to continue to burn off any unrighteousness and dishonor. I'm so ready! God encouraged me so greatly today. Seeing people I knew at chapel...hearing familiar things like Christ the only atonement for sin. ahhhhhh.... sunsets and new friends. Convictions and new opportunities to do things right. I know persecution will come as I begin to change from night to day from black to white from old to new. My friends that are used to seeing me compromise and medicate will resent my decision to pass on said activities. Lord give me strength and purpose with each decision.

1 comment:

MrsEvenSo... said...

Stand firm my friend. You can do it through Christ and in his strength.