Sunday, January 2, 2011

John 1:10-18

This Challenge to Read the Gospels with my church body for the next year, I know will be just that: a challenge. Sometimes I think that if I could just compartmentalize aspects of my life it would be easier to handle. As enticing as it sounds, there are some things too cathartic to gloss over. For instance the challenge to Read the gospels with my Church body assigned on the first Sunday of the year accompanied by the first communion of the year. Having been separate from the body for 6 months I’m overwhelmed with joy to commune physically (Church), spiritually (Challenge), and symbolically (Communion) with these people I consider to be my support group and my family. Chapter 11 of John 1 confirms Gods hand in my own birth. I’ve revived and I believe (vs.12). Through Jesus Christ I am given rights that I would not have otherwise to be a Child of God (v.12). As for the “Word” of God (vs. 14)… we know from service today that the Word was not a new thing. Jesus was not a last resort from God. It was written that The Word was in the beginning of time, with God and was God. John cries out that Jesus his predecessor in age out ranks him because he knows Jesus was “The Word” that was in the beginning with God (John 1:15). Returning to the notion of my predetermined birth, (vs. 18) God is the reveal-er of The Word, the Grace and Truth: Jesus Christ. That’s pretty exciting that God decides who and he decided me.


SQUIRL said...

Pray for me that I can succeed in this challenge and My faith will increase with every word from God that enters my mind and pierces my heart.

Even So... said...

I am rooting for you, of course...and for me, too, of course...God wins, of course...

SQUIRL said...

Yeah! Duh....of course